I get so nervous when I make art pieces, because it forces me out of my comfort zone. Me, an artist? Yeah, right. My comfort zone is banking. I could talk to you about banking until I'm blue in the face. I love it, and I'm good at it. It's easy for me.
This art thing? A comfort zone? Not so much.
But people like Carol, who I admire so deeply and is a phenomenal interior designer may I add, make it so easy to be confident in this new business gig. She has supported me from the word GO. Actually she has supported me since the day I met her.
She liked these winter Santas that I was making for another client, so she ordered two of them. I thought about her two kids when I designed them because they are both the most talented and sweetest kids I've had the pleasure of knowing. They will be broadway stars some day.
Anyway, when I delivered Carol's order, I was nervous. I don't know why but I was. Perhaps because I didn't want to let her down because she has been my biggest cheerleader. But, just like Carol, she loved them, and we spent time catching up with each other like we always do as well as her giving me ideas and advice with Dragonfly Woods. She wants me to succeed. Not only with my new venture but in life.
Everyone needs a dear friend like Carol. I'm thankful for Carol. I'm so thankful that I asked her to name the two art pieces so that I could have an actual name for two of my pieces for future clients.
Meet "Big Jolly" and "Little Jolly."